原文: 23 References
- Learning acceleration via stress
- Curiosity improves learning
- Brain centers involved in valuation of anticipated outcomes: nucleus accumbens and VTA
- Opioid receptors form a gradient along a processing hierarchy
- Opioid receptors are involved in the pleasure of learning
- Opioid rewards may depend on dopamine signals
- Neural circuits involved in liking and wanting
- Thrill of music may be attenuated with opioid antagonists
- Impact of syncopation on the pleasure of music
- Stress reduces neurogenesis
- Amygdala may be involved in rewarding novel input
- Behavioral effects of maternal separation and early weaning
- Critical period is based on neural Darwinism
- Sensory deprivation leads to crossmodal neuroplasticity
- Stress inoculation may improve resilience later in life
- Chronic, acute and intermittent stress exposure
- Bullying changes the brain
- Social brain hypothesis
- Mindfulness increases cortical thickness
- Infantile amnesia caused by neurogenesis
- Dendritic spine turnover is high early in development
- Linear increase in memory retention
- How autobiographical memories fade in time
- Spaced learning favors survival of neurons
- Can childhood memories be retrieved?
- Schooling contributes to childhood amnesia
- Memory decline begins after 60
- Herbert Simon predicted two component model of memory
- Incremental reading and meditation
- Two components of memory stability
- Spaced repetition formula
Neural networks
- Darwin intuitively followed the natural creativity cycle
- Best students intuitively follow the natural creativity cycle
- Robinson: Schools kill creativity
- Creativity: Asset or Burden?
- Creativity: abundant but suppressed!
- Coincidence of ADHD and creativity
Self-directed learning
- Early Academic Training Retards Intellectual Development
- Gray: Self-education carries a high cost in time
- Greenberg: How schools vitiate the concept of life-long learning
- Curiosity has bad connotations
- I wish I had dropped out
- Gray: School is prison
- I became so depressed that I stopped going to school
- Prince Ea: What is school for?
- Gray: Coercive school system will collapse soon
- Schools provide a babysitting service
- Schools do not tolerate diversity
- Gray about Willingham
- Robinson: Schools kill creativity
- Michalko: Schools kill creativity
- Bill Gates: Teaching is hard
- Wieman: Lectures make no sense
- John Bennett: Problem with math instruction
- John Taylor Gatto: I refuse to hurt children
- Curiosity is not a priority
- Factory model of education
- Kevin Kruse: School serves mindless cramming
- Alfie Kohn: Praise is a short-term motivator
- Pondiscio: Less testing, more trust, more knowledge
- Spock: Grading is an abomination
- Spanish kids strike against homework
- Scott Kim: Math can read like a novel
- Thiel on competition for degrees
- Thiel on power law
- Gray on unschoolers at college
- Dropouts build billion dollar companies
- Parents do not homeschool because education is not top priority
- Homeschooling socialization is a non-issue
- Modernization kills fundamentalism
- Holt: On value of schools
- Tyson: to get kids into science, get out of their way
- Early math instruction may backfire
- Stevens: Robotization of schooling
- Gray: What genius minds think of schooling?
- Infantile amnesia caused by neurogenesis
- Homo habilis: the emergence of childhood
- Hunter-gatherer childhood
- Childcare predicts socioemotional problems
- Suggate: early reading is not essential
- Raymond Moore: On early institutionalization
- Nordic ideas on compulsory daycare
- Chronic otitis media and language development
- Otitis media in daycare
- Moms feel guilty about daycare
- Sleep leads to creativity, discovery, and invention
- Alcohol may disrupt deep sleep
- Czeisler on Ritalin
- Risks of co-sleeping
- Fragmenting sleep disrupts the testosterone rhythm
Mental health
- Network overload may lead to Alzheimer's
- Literacy helps prevent Alzheimer's
- Depression in highly educated patients increases mortality of Alzheimer's
- Brain models confirm vulnerability of hub regions to Alzheimer's pathology
- Alzheimer's is rare in black Africans
- Coincidence of ADHD and creativity
- Ritalin will backfire
- Sleep is better than Ritalin
- Fidgeting may improve cognitive performance
- DSM-V relaxes maladaptive criteria of ADHD
- On ADHD over or under-diagnosis
- ADHD rates vary wildly from state to state in the US
- International Consensus Statement on ADHD
- Harris: Parental influence is on the decline
- Moore: Socialization myth
- Gray: Solution to bullying
- Gray: Informal sports favor socialization
- Alfie Kohn: Praise sparks fake generosity
- Seymour Papert: Socialization myth
- Authoritative parenting leads to better social and academic outcomes
- Islam: political radicals in favor of democracy
Information science
- Voucher system: promising solutions
- Voucher system validated via lottery
- Good hearts, brains, and money are not enough for school reform
- Voucher system benefits public schools
- Bill Gates saved over 100 million children
- Education as a human right
- Freedom undermines public schools
- Bill Maher does not like children
- Nordic Council of Ministers: Make adult education mandatory
- Quarter of German population has migrant roots
- Quarter of Swedish population has migrant roots
- Why Spotify might leave Sweden
- German innovation is in decline
- Attaching the name "spaced repetition" to SuperMemo
- Pawel Wimmer: Praising SuperMemo. Ex Occidente lux
- Will Thalheimer: Doubts about expanding rehearsal
- Karpicke: Expanding retrieval schedules produced mixed results
- Michael Nielsen re-discovers incremental reading with Anki