最简单的 测试效应 [1]实例发生在学生对着他们之后会被测试的(即相同的)卡片进行测试的时候。所以:假设你记住了关于一个主题的一千张卡片,我们真正关心的不仅仅是你回答这些具体问题的能力,毕竟你早就见过它们了,而更重要的是这种练习使你对该主题的可用理解产生了怎样的影响。你实际上能用它做什么?如果我问你一个涉及你所练习的知识的开放式问题,你能不能调动这些知识——即 迁移学习 [2]。
- Meta-analytic review and synthesis. Psychological Bulletin, 144(7), 710–756
- 这个关于提取练习的迁移效应的元分析发现,相对于非练习干预,总体平均迁移效应为 d=0.4,特别是受练习期间的反应一致性、初始准确性和精细提取调节。
- Butler, A. (2010). Repeated Testing Produces Superior Transfer of Learning Relative to Repeated Studying. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36, 1118–1133.
- 用改编的维基百科段落进行的小型实验表明,相对于重新学习,提取练习可以提高学习者面对迁移类问题的表现,其幅度与逐字问题相近。
- A Systematic Review of Applied Research in Schools and Classrooms. Educational Psychology Review.
- 在这个关于 提取练习的更广泛的系统性的综述中,作者指出:「与逐字或重复问题的实验相比,改写问题的实验的效应通常较小。」这个效应看起来很小,也许是 d~0.1-0.2。
- Samani, J., & Pan, S. (2021). Interleaved Practice Enhances Memory and Problem-Solving Ability in Undergraduate Physics. Npj Science of Learning, 6.
- 交错练习,在这个例子中会涉及到 提取练习和 间隔效应
- Karpicke, J. D., & Blunt, J. R. (2011). Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than Elaborative Studying with Concept Mapping. Science, 331(6018), 772–775.
- 研究主要是为了评估 概念图与 提取练习,评估时涉及需要迁移才能回答的推理问题,在这些问题上,提取练习条件下的学生比所有其他条件(重复学习、概念图)表现更好,就绝对数值而言,也相当不错。
- Do Students Need Fact Knowledge Before Higher Order Learning? Journal of Educational Psychology, 111, 189–209
- 在某些条件下,学生进行事实问题的练习,并被要求回答高阶测试问题。这些学生的表现与那些完全不进行提取练习的学生几乎没有区别。
- Agarwal, P. K., Bain, P. M., & Chamberlain, R. W. (2012). The value of applied research: Retrieval practice improves classroom learning and recommendations from a teacher, a principal, and a scientist. Educa- tional Psychology Review, 24,437– 448. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s106...
- Johnson, C. I., & Mayer, R. E. (2009). A testing effect with multimedia learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(3), 621–629. doi.org/10.1037/a001518...
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- McDaniel, M. A., Thomas, R. C., Agarwal, P. K., McDermott, K. B., & Roediger, H. L. (2013). Quizzing in middle-school science: Successful transfer performance on classroom exams. Applied Cognitive Psychol- ogy, 27,360–372. dx.doi.org/10.1002/acp....
- Agarwal, P. K. (2019). Retrieval practice and Bloom’s taxonomy: do students need fact knowledge before higher order learning? Journal of Educational Psychology, 111, 2 189–209.
- Butler, A. C., Black-Maier, A. C., Raley, N. D., & Marsh, E. J. (2017). Retrieving and applying knowledge to different examples promotes transfer of learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23,433–446. dx.doi.org/10.1037/xap0...
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- McConnell, M. M., St-Onge, C., & Young, M. E. (2015). The benefits of testing for learning on later performance. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 20, 305–320. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s104...
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原文: Retrieval practice and transfer learning (andymatuschak.org)
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